1West blog

The beliefs behind the money.

We believe in small business. So we’re inspired by the stories behind them. Read how businesses of all shapes and sizes turned the right loans into their own versions of success.

What to do after you get approved for business financing

Not sure what’s next once your business financing offers are in? Here’s a go-to guide for how to compare your options.  Congratulations on securing business financing for the first time! This is a significant milestone, and it’s completely normal to feel a mix of excitement and nerves.  To help, we’ve

  • by Lindsay
  • June 27, 2024

Small business loans for women

Everything female entrepreneurs need to know in 2024 This means female founders are incredible assets to economic development and prime candidates for business financing. Finding the best business loan for your female-led venture can be hard, but it’s worth the effort. Below is a breakdown of several small business loan

  • by Lindsay
  • March 26, 2024

How to get a business line of credit in 6 steps

Landing a line of credit can be game-changing for small businesses looking to grow with the help from some extra capital.  Why? Unlike conventional loans, a business line of credit allows small business owners to withdraw funds on an as-needed basis, providing an alternative to the lump-sum payments that are

  • by Lindsay
  • March 15, 2024

How do business loans work? No worries—we got you.

Everything you need to know about business loans You might know your business needs a loan—but you might now know much more than that. And that’s more than okay.  We’re here to break down how business loans work, how they help, and how to get started in a few quick

  • by Lindsay
  • March 15, 2024

Find the right business loan for you

Looking for a business loan? It can be hard to know where to start.  Rest assured there are several types of business loans out there that can help you reach your goals—no matter what kind of business you’re building, where you’re at in the process, or how much financing you

  • by Lindsay
  • February 5, 2024